'EXCLUDED FROM THE MILITARY RECORD' will this mark help to cross the border?

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30.05.2023 15:53 646


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

To date, in order to cross the border on the basis of unfitness for military service, it is necessary to have:

  • conclusion of the VLK on unfitness;

  • the mark "excluded from military registration".

The State Border Service of Ukraine, in its letter dated March 17, 2022, determined that the restrictions on the ban on the travel abroad of male citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 60 for the period of the legal regime of martial law do not apply to persons, in particular, who have a conclusion of the military medical commission on unfitness for military service in wartime. A certificate of unfitness from the military medical commission can be a supporting document.

Therefore, the mark "excluded from military registration" will help to cross the border in wartime conditions.

30.05.2023 16:34


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