What categories of disability exist and how do they affect benefits?

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30.05.2023 15:45 519


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Disability group I includes persons with the most severe health conditions, who are completely incapable of self-care, need constant external supervision, care or assistance, are completely dependent on other persons in the performance of vital social and household functions, or who are partially capable to the execution of individual elements of self-service.

The basis for the establishment of the II group of disabilities is persistent, severe functional impairment in the body, caused by a disease, injury or congenital defect, which leads to a significant limitation of the person's vital activities, while maintaining the ability to self-care and does not cause the need for constant external supervision, care or assistance. The II group of disabilities may also include persons who have two or more diseases that lead to disability, the consequences of an injury or birth defects and their combinations, which collectively cause a significant limitation of the person's life and work capacity.

The basis for the establishment of the III group of disability is persistent, moderately severe functional disorders in the body, caused by disease, consequences of injuries or congenital defects, which led to a moderately pronounced limitation of the person's vital activities, including his capacity for work, but require social assistance and social protection

Vacation for persons with disabilities of groups 1, 2 and 3:

Employees with disabilities have the right to take leave at a time convenient for them, including before the six-month term of their continuous work at the enterprise.

Persons with disabilities are granted annual leave of longer duration:

  • for persons of I and II groups - 30 calendar days.

  • persons of the III group - 26 calendar days.

Study benefits for persons with disabilities: admission to higher educational institutions for persons with disabilities is carried out on a competitive basis within the established quotas. For some categories of persons with disabilities, the possibility of admission to higher education institutions is provided under special conditions.

Benefits on medicines and treatment: based on the current legislation, persons with disabilities of the first and second groups are given a 50 percent discount on the purchase of medicines during the period of outpatient treatment. People with disabilities who receive the minimum pension have the opportunity to receive medicine on a doctor's prescription for free.

Preferential receipt of vouchers: in the presence of medical indications, persons with disabilities and children with disabilities have the right to receive vouchers in the sanatorium free of charge.

Benefits on telephone and radio communication: for persons with disabilities of the first and second groups, landline (apartment) telephones are installed on preferential terms and without queuing.

Privileges for transport services: persons with disabilities of groups I and II, children with disabilities, as well as their companions (no more than one person) are granted the right to free travel in city passenger transport (except for taxis). The presence of a certificate or a certificate is mandatory, and in the case of the implementation of an automated system of accounting for fare payment, also an electronic ticket (issued free of charge).

Benefits for the payment of housing and communal services: for the preferential payment of housing and communal services in Ukraine, persons with disabilities of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups must receive a subsidy from the social protection authorities. Subsidies for gas, heating, water and light (electricity) for persons with disabilities are issued on a general basis, with the exception of particularly serious illnesses.

30.05.2023 16:09


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