Can I work part-time if I am receiving benefit for...?


...unemployment? How will this affect my benefits?

26.05.2023 18:27 559


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

If you get a job, the payment of unemployment benefits stops.

In accordance with Article 31 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Social Insurance in Case of Unemployment", the payment of unemployment benefits is terminated in the event of:

  1. expiration of its payment term;

  2. Employment of a person;

  3. resumption of work based on a court decision that has entered into force;

  4. submitting a written application to the unemployed in person to remove him from registration as unemployed or to refuse his services;

  5. a two-time refusal to offer a suitable job, and for an unemployed person who is looking for work for the first time and does not have a profession (specialty), a two-time refusal to offer vocational training;

  6. two-time refusal to offer a suitable job in a profession (specialty) acquired at the direction of the territorial body of the central executive body that implements state policy in the field of population employment and labor migration;

  7. termination of vocational training by referral of the territorial body of the central executive body, which implements state policy in the field of population employment and labor migration, without valid reasons;

  8. failure to visit a territorial body of a central executive body that implements state policy in the field of population employment and labor migration without valid reasons within 30 working days from the day following the day on which it made a decision on such a visit;

  9. non-confirmation without valid reasons by any means of communication, including electronic ones, of the intention to stay in the status of registered unemployed within 30 working days from the day following the day of the last confirmation (visit) (during a state of emergency or martial law, quarantine, in in the event of an emergency);

  10. establishment of the fact that the person submitted unreliable data and documents, on the basis of which a decision was made to grant him the status of registered unemployed, the appointment (payment) of financial support in the event of unemployment and the provision of social services;

  11. establishing the fact that the unemployed person performs paid work (providing services), in addition to the performance of paid work during the course of industrial training and practical training by the registered unemployed person at the enterprise, institution, organization, individual training at the workplace (at production) or internship, participation in public jobs or other jobs of a temporary nature, performing paid work related to the organization of the preparation and holding of the elections of the President of Ukraine, People's Deputies of Ukraine, local elections;

  12. acquisition of legal force by a court verdict on sentencing a person to deprivation of liberty, restriction of liberty, arrest (except for cases of release from serving a sentence with probation);

  13. enrollment in full-time, dual forms of education (except for vocational training of registered unemployed persons at the direction of the territorial body of the central executive body that implements state policy in the field of population employment and labor migration);

  14. conscription for temporary military or alternative (non-military) service;

  15. a person's achievement of the retirement age established by Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance" or the appointment of a pension on preferential terms or for years of service;

  16. submission of a statement about the desire to care for the child until it reaches the age of three or for the duration determined in the medical report;

  17. the death of an unemployed person or his recognition by a court decision as deceased, missing, incapacitated or with limited capacity;

  18. from the date of issuance of the certificate to the examination report by the medical and social expert commission with conclusions on the recognition of the person as incapable of work;

  19. failure to notify the territorial body of the central executive body that implements the state policy in the field of population employment and labor migration about leaving Ukraine during the period of registration by the registered unemployed person;

  20. stay of a registered unemployed person outside of Ukraine during the registration period for more than 14 calendar days or a total of more than 60 calendar days during the year (except for documented cases related to the departure of the registered unemployed person abroad for treatment (including his family members ) or in connection with the death of close relatives, an accident that happened abroad with a registered unemployed person or members of his family, the lack of transport connections and the possibility of returning to Ukraine due to quarantine, an emergency situation, a state of emergency or other restrictive measures introduced by the country or the transport company).

26.05.2023 23:45


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