What benefits are given to orphans in the field of education? Are there special...?


... programs or scholarships for them?

24.05.2023 17:35 455


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Persons from the number of orphans and children deprived of parental care, who are studying in addition to full state support, are paid a social stipend in the order and amount established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, as well as 100 percent of the salary accrued during the period of industrial training and industrial practice. .

Persons from the number of orphans and children deprived of parental care, who are studying, until the end of their studies, are paid annual assistance for the purchase of educational literature in the amount of three social scholarships. Payment of the specified aid is carried out within 30 days after the beginning of the academic year at the expense of the funds provided for educational institutions in the relevant budgets.

When orphans and children deprived of parental care, who are studying, are granted an academic leave based on a medical opinion, full state support and a stipend are paid for them for the entire period of the academic leave. The educational institution contributes to the organization of their treatment.

Orphans and children deprived of parental care, as well as persons from their number, are exempted from tuition fees in state and communal educational institutions of all levels.

Local bodies of executive power, bodies of local self-government may establish, together with interested central bodies of executive power, scientific societies and creative unions, youth funds, special scholarships for gifted persons from among:

  • orphans and children deprived of parental care,

  • students of higher educational institutions and provide for the allocation of funds for their internships in leading domestic scientific institutions and abroad.

Orphans, children deprived of parental care, persons from among them participate in the competitive selection within quota-1 (quota-1 - a defined part of the maximum amount of budget places (for open competitive offers) or the total amount of budget places (for fixed competitive offers proposals), which can be used to admit applicants based on complete general secondary education, who have the right to enter on the basis of entrance exams, and orphans, children deprived of parental care, persons from their number) to places of state or regional order ( unless the application states: "I am applying for participation in the competition exclusively for places at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities, notified of the impossibility of transfer within the scope of the admission campaign to places of state or regional order").

24.05.2023 20:08


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