What rights and protections do pensioners have according to the legislation of Ukraine?

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23.05.2023 16:51 357


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The Law of Ukraine "On Pension Security" guarantees the social security of pensioners by setting pensions at a level based on the subsistence minimum, as well as regularly reviewing their amounts in connection with the increase in the size of the minimum consumer budget and the improvement of the efficiency of the republic's economy.

Law of Ukraine "On the basic principles of social protection of labor veterans and other senior citizens in Ukraine" - defines the basic principles of state policy regarding labor veterans and other senior citizens and is aimed at forming a humane, respectful attitude towards them in society and ensuring their active longevity. The law guarantees labor veterans and senior citizens equal opportunities with other citizens in the economic, social, and political spheres, favorable conditions for a full-fledged lifestyle. The state guarantees every labor veteran and senior citizen an appropriate standard of living, satisfaction of various life needs, provision of various types of assistance through:

  • implementation of the right to work in accordance with professional training, work skills and taking into account the state of health;

  • provision of pensions and benefits;

  • provision of housing;

  • creation of conditions for maintaining health and active longevity in accordance with modern achievements of science;

  • organization of social and household services, development of a network of material and technical bases for stationary institutions and home forms of service for elderly citizens, as well as training of relevant specialists.

The Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance" defines the principles, principles and mechanisms of the functioning of the system of mandatory state pension insurance, the appointment, calculation and payment of pensions, the provision of social services from the funds of the Pension Fund, which are formed at the expense of insurance contributions from employers, budgetary and other sources provided for by this Law, and also regulates the procedure for the formation of the Accumulated Pension Fund and financing from its funds expenses for the payment of life pension insurance contracts or one-time payments to insured persons, members of their families and other persons provided for by this Law.

23.05.2023 20:24


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