Is it possible to catch fish on the river with a net?


He caught fish on the river with a net. The police arrived, broke me down and detained me. Was it legal?

22.05.2023 21:54 466


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

According to Part 1 of Article 263 of the Criminal Procedure Code, administrative detention of a person who has committed an administrative offense may last no more than three hours.

According to clause 1 part 2 of article 262 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine, administrative detention is carried out by: internal affairs bodies (National Police) - .... on the protection and use of the animal world...

According to Article 85 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, violation of fishing rules (fishing with a net) - entails a warning or imposition of a fine on citizens from two to ten tax-free minimum incomes of citizens and a warning or imposition of a fine on officials - from ten to thirty tax-free minimum incomes of citizens .

These Rules apply to fishing water objects (parts thereof), water objects (parts thereof) within the nature reserve fund, where recreational and sports fishing does not contradict the regime of the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund, leased fishing water bodies (parts thereof) and fisheries (except for cases of other general water use conditions established by the water user, agreed in accordance with legislation), with the exception of fisheries water bodies (parts thereof) on which mining (fishing) is prohibited and which have restrictions regarding their general use defined by legislation.

Therefore, your detention was legal if you were fishing with a net on the above-mentioned water bodies.

22.05.2023 22:03


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