My daughter is a student, she is 18 years old and she lives in Ivano-Frankivsk on ...?

solved the apartment, the owner of which is my aunt, but she is registered in the village and lives there. My aunt wants to register my daughter, she has no children.

I wonder if my daughter will be able to apply for a subsidy, because everything in the apartment is on light, the payments are crazy, and now the price of light is even higher, so I can't imagine what will happen in winter, let's hope that there will be light! And what are the steps, I know what to do at the PFU, but what papers do I need in addition to the declaration, statement and certificate of income?

22.05.2023 15:25 424


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The following can receive a subsidy:

  • one of the persons registered in the residential premises (house);

  • a person who is not registered, but actually lives in the premises on the basis of a housing lease agreement, if he is charged a fee for housing and communal services;

  • individual developers whose houses are not put into operation;

minors who are left without parental care, at the guardian's request;

  • families that spend more than the amount of the mandatory payment on utility bills. Now it is 15% of the total monthly income. The size is calculated individually for each family. It depends on the composition and income of the family.

  • internally displaced persons under the "Shelter" program.

A daughter can apply for a subsidy. Such a service can be provided by administrative service centers (TsNAP); local social security offices; bodies of the pension fund. You can also apply through the "Action" application or the Pension Fund's electronic cabinet.

To assign a subsidy, you need:

  • application for the assignment of a housing subsidy;

  • declaration of income and expenses of persons who applied for the subsidy;

  • a certificate of income (if certain incomes are indicated in the declaration, but information about them is not available in the PFU and DPS);

  • housing rental agreement (if available);

  • documents that can confirm non-residence of a person at the place of registration (if necessary).

22.05.2023 19:18


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