Where do you need to go in Poland to make a power of attorney for driving...?


...inheritance in Ukraine after the death of the father?

22.05.2023 15:17 521


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

You need to contact the Embassy of Ukraine in Poland (consular department). Here is the website of the embassy https://poland.mfa.gov.ua

In the "Contacts" tab, you can find the consular department closest to you.

In accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for performing notarial acts in diplomatic missions and consular institutions of Ukraine, consuls perform the following types of notarial acts:

  1. certificated deeds (contracts, wills, powers of attorney, etc.), except for mortgage contracts, contracts on alienation and pledge of residential buildings, apartments, cottages, garden houses, garages, land plots, other immovable property , located in Ukraine, as well as in addition to contracts of lease, sublease, emphytheusis of agricultural land plots;

  2. measures are taken to protect inherited property;

  3. certificates of the right to inheritance are issued;

  4. certificates of ownership of a share in joint property of spouses are issued;

  5. the authenticity of copies (photocopies) of documents and extracts from them is certified;

  6. the authenticity of the signature on the documents is certified;

  7. the authenticity of the qualified electronic signature on electronic documents is certified;

  8. the accuracy of the translation of documents from one language to another is certified;

  9. the fact that the natural person is alive is certified;

  10. the fact of a physical person's stay in a certain place is certified;

  11. the identity of the physical person with the person depicted on the photo card is certified;

  12. the time of presentation of documents is certified;

  13. cash and securities are accepted for deposit;

  14. execution inscriptions are made;

  15. marine protests are carried out;

  16. documents are accepted for storage;

  17. duplicates of documents certified by them are issued.

The legislation of Ukraine may provide for other actions performed by consuls.

Another possible option is to have the power of attorney certified by a Polish notary. Then, on the territory of Ukraine, make its translation and notarize the translation.

Ukraine and Poland are participants in the Hague Convention, which abolishes the requirement of legalization of foreign official documents. In order for Polish documents (including a power of attorney) to be legal in Ukraine, they must be apostilled, then such documents are translated into Ukrainian and a Ukrainian notary certifies the authenticity of the translator's signature.

22.05.2023 17:09


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