Is it possible to study abroad after the age of 16 during martial law?


Is it possible to study abroad after the age of 16 during martial law? Will I need to return to Ukraine to defend the country? I wanted to go abroad to study at a university after finishing the 11th grade, but I would not like to return to Ukraine until I finish the university.

22.05.2023 14:51 738


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

According to the current rules for crossing the state border, persons aged 16 and over have the right to cross the border independently without the need for their parents or other persons to accompany them.

Restrictions on traveling abroad during martial law apply to men aged 18-60.

Accordingly, it is possible to go abroad to study before turning 18.

However, with the changes to the Military Registration Procedure, men must be registered in the year they reach the age of 17. That is, if earlier the age of registration started at 17, now it is at 16. For example, if in 2023 you turned 16 or will turn 16, then in 2024 you must register for the military.

According to the new Order, conscripts must be registered at the consular register. And consular institutions must inform citizens about the start of the next conscription for conscription. This applies to men of draft age from 18 to 27 years who do not have a deferment from service. That is, when you turn 18 years old and you will be abroad, you must enter consular registration.

22.05.2023 16:26


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