How to properly close executive proceedings? You can pay through the action, but...?


...then you need to contact someone to remove the arrests? Does it automatically remove all arrests?

19.05.2023 18:17 567


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

YES, one of the possible ways to pay the debt and close the enforcement proceedings is to pay it through the ACTION.

According to clause 9 part 1 of the Law "On executive proceedings", executive proceedings are subject to termination in the case of actual implementation in full of the decision according to the executive document.

According to Art. 40 of the Law "On Enforcement Proceedings", in the event of the end of the enforcement proceedings the arrest imposed on the property (funds) of the debtor is removed, information about the debtor is excluded from the Unified Register of Debtors, other measures taken by the executor to implement the decision are canceled , as well as other necessary actions are carried out in connection with the end of executive proceedings.

So you don't need to take any action, the arrests will be canceled automatically.

20.05.2023 00:08


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