Does the enforcement service have the right to seize an account on which...?


...are you receiving unemployment benefits and child support?

19.05.2023 18:15 672


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Social benefits are earmarked funds. But the bank may not have the technical ability to open a separate account for crediting only such funds. Therefore, the account that is opened, including for crediting social benefits, is usually a regular current account under the terms of banking services. That is, it is an account of an individual for his own needs, any funds can be credited to it, not only funds for a specific purpose.

If the account to which unemployment benefits and child support are credited is current, then a seizure can be imposed on all available funds in accordance with the regulatory part of the decree on the seizure of the debtor's funds.

If the bank has opened a separate account for you exclusively for the purpose of crediting targeted income, the bank will return without executing the decision on seizure of the debtor's funds received from the executor, indicating the reasons for the return. But this does not mean that deductions for loan debt repayment, fines or alimony cannot be charged from earmarked money. Recovery from targeted payments of the debtor is carried out by enterprises, institutions, organizations, natural persons, natural persons-entrepreneurs, who actually calculate the salary, pension, scholarship, and other social benefits based on documents from the executors.

19.05.2023 20:50


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