Who can get an IDP certificate for minor children who are displaced ..?


... without parents?

17.05.2023 16:08 586


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

To obtain a certificate, a minor internally displaced person applies in person, and a minor child, an incapacitated person or a person whose legal capacity is limited - through a legal representative with an application for registration to the structural unit for social protection of the population of the district, district state administrations in the city of Kyiv, executive bodies of city, district councils in cities.

An application for the registration of a minor child who is an orphan or a child deprived of parental care to obtain a certificate is submitted on his or her behalf:

  • in the case of placement in a children's institution, a health care institution or an institution of social protection for children on full state support - the head of the respective institution;

  • in the case of placement in a family of citizens under guardianship, guardianship, foster family, family-type orphanage - a legal representative.

An application for registration of a minor child who arrived unaccompanied by a legal representative to obtain a certificate can be submitted on his behalf by a relative (grandmother, grandfather, great-grandmother, great-grandfather, adult sibling, aunt, uncle) or stepfather, stepmother, in in which the child lives (stays). In the absence of relatives, the application is submitted on her behalf by the body of guardianship and guardianship at the place of residence of such a child.

17.05.2023 17:25


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