Can I privatize my outbuilding, like my neighbor...?


... prevents privatization. It does not allow the land surveyor to set boundaries. The surveyor says that without measurements of the neighbor's plot, I cannot privatize mine. Do I have to go to court?

16.05.2023 16:29 637


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Local self-government bodies have the right to resolve conflicts regarding land issues. Therefore, if the neighbor is against the fact that the land manager established the boundaries and agreed on them, it is necessary to contact the land commission under the settlement, village or city council to help establish the boundaries.

The commission will inspect the site, and then hold a meeting with the participation of parties to the dispute. Having proved the groundless refusal to sign the deed on agreeing the boundaries of the plot, the commission will recommend you to settle the conflict peacefully.

In order to register a land plot in the State Land Cadastre, it is necessary to submit land management documentation through the Center for the Provision of Administrative Services, and the State Cadastre Registrar must register the land plot even without the consent of the neighbors, i.e. without her signature. If the cadastral registrar refuses registration on this basis, it is necessary to apply to the court to appeal the decision taken by him to refuse registration.

05.06.2023 14:47


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