A young man wants to register a marriage. Rats said that they will not write..?


...until they turn to the army and "receive permission" there. Are the employees of the Registry Office acting legally? Is it possible to register a marriage without applying to the military?

12.05.2023 15:33 388


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

Employees of the State Registry Office (DRATS) are acting illegally.

In order to register a marriage, it is not necessary to obtain any permits from the TCC of the SP (Military Mata).

When you submit documents to the state registration department of civil status acts (registry office/DRAC), it sends information about the registered marriage or divorce to the district TCC. It indicates the presence of a military registration document. But even if this document is not available, the citizen's application at the registry office must still be accepted.

13.05.2023 00:33


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