I work in the OMS, but I am a person with a disability of the 2nd group. In January, they accepted ...?


...a new law prohibiting all civil servants from traveling abroad during a state of emergency or martial law. Does this ban apply to me (I have been disabled since childhood and periodically need help).

09.05.2023 16:45 396


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

There are no restrictions on crossing the border for persons with disabilities.

CMU Resolution No. 69 of January 27, 2023 "On Amending the Rules for Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine" limits the right to travel abroad:

  • to members of the CMU, first deputies and deputy ministers;

  • heads of central executive bodies, their first deputies and deputies;

  • to the state secretary of the CMU, his first deputy and deputies;

  • to the head of the Apparatus of the VRU, his first deputy and deputies;

  • state secretaries of ministries;

  • the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine and his deputies;

  • heads of other auxiliary bodies and services established by the President of Ukraine and their deputies;

  • the head of the Security Service, his first deputy and deputies;

  • the chairman and members of the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting;

  • the head and members of the Accounting Chamber; - the chairman and members of the Central Election Commission, etc.

That is, you do not belong to the specified list, and the ban on traveling abroad does not apply to you.

10.05.2023 11:06


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