The ex-husband was called up for mobilization in January, he is a debtor for ...?


... about 100,000 alimony payments. The question is as follows, I informed the executor about this and they sent a request to the military inspector, but they received an answer that the military inspector did not know the address, but only gave the part number.

What are my next steps?

09.05.2023 16:40 389


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

The military officer (Territorial center of recruitment and social support) cannot not know the address, because he keeps records of military personnel.

However, if for some reason it happened that the TCC SP does not know the address, then let the executor contact the relevant military unit with a request.

According to Clause 3 Part 3 of Article 28 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings", the executor during enforcement proceedings has the right for the purpose of protecting the interests of the debt collector to receive free of charge from state bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, officials, parties and other participants in executive proceedings, explanations, references and other information, including confidential, are necessary for the implementation of executive actions.

23.05.2023 22:57


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