How to get IDP status without registration?

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06.05.2023 00:06 476


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

If you do not have official registration of your place of residence in the temporarily occupied territory, after evacuation, you can get the status of an internally displaced person, if you have documents confirming the fact of living in that territory.

Contact the structural division for social protection of the population or the authorized person of the executive body of the village, settlement, city council/ Center for the provision of administrative services and provide evidence that will confirm the fact of living in the TOT from which the internal displacement was carried out. It is better to apply immediately after such a move.

Evidence of proof of residence on the TOT can be:

  • military card with information on military service;

  • labor book with records of labor activity;

  • a document confirming ownership of movable or immovable property;

  • certificate of basic general secondary education;

  • certificate of complete general secondary education;

  • a document on professional and technical education;

  • a document on higher education (a scientific degree);

  • certificate from the place of study;

  • medical documents;

  • photos, video recordings.

08.05.2023 10:35


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