How to get a certificate about existing alimony arrears?

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04.05.2023 22:03 762


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

In order to receive a certificate of arrears in the payment of alimony, you need to apply to the territorial body of the state executive service, in which the court decision regarding the collection of alimony is being enforced. You can submit an application in person or send it by e-mail (registered mail) to the address of the relevant territorial body of the executive service.

In order to receive the corresponding service, it is also necessary to provide a passport of a citizen of Ukraine or a temporary certificate of a citizen of Ukraine, a permanent residence permit, a temporary residence permit, a refugee permit, a permit for a person in need of additional protection, a permit for a person granted temporary protection.

The certificate production period is 3 days.

A certificate of alimony arrears is valid for one month from the date of its issuance.

05.05.2023 14:27


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