Appealing the decisions of the Local Government


What is the current position of the court in cases regarding the appeal of the decisions of local government, which, upon the application of a citizen to grant a permit for the production of a land management project on a land plot with an approximate area of 2 hectares for the purpose of further free privatization, a decision was made to grant a permit for a much smaller area

29.08.2024 13:57 229


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Article 121 of the Land Code establishes norms for the free transfer of plots to citizens. In particular, for the management of a personal peasant economy — in the amount of no more than 2 hectares. However, in the absence of free land or a limited amount of it, the area for which the permit is issued may have a smaller area.

Court practice regarding appeals against decisions of local self-government bodies (LGUs) on reducing the area of a land plot for which a citizen has applied is quite dynamic and depends on the specific circumstances of each case.

29.08.2024 20:04


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