Will OTP Bank work in Ukraine after the decision of the NACP?


What will happen to OTP Bank in Ukraine after this bank is added to the list of international war sponsors (https://sanctions.nazk.gov.ua/boycott/28/).

More information: https://nazk.gov.ua/uk/novyny/kredytuyut-okupantiv-nazk-vneslo-otp-bank-do-pereliku-mizhnarodnyh-sponsoriv-vijny/

04.05.2023 21:51 399


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

Adding OTP Bank or any other bank to the list of international war sponsors does not result in its closure.

Adding to the list of international sponsors of war will clearly have a negative impact on the reputation of a financial institution or other company or organization, both in Ukraine and around the world. Considering this, many international companies seek to significantly reduce or completely stop their presence on the Russian market, even at the risk of financial losses. This is due to the fact that in the future damages from "damaged reputation" may be much greater.

12.06.2023 23:06

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