How is a preliminary contract for the purchase of a house concluded?

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07.05.2024 18:42 320


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

A preliminary contract is a document that is concluded between the seller and the buyer before concluding the main contract of sale of real estate on the terms established by the preliminary contract.

Before concluding a preliminary contract, the seller must provide documents confirming the identity - a passport and identification code, as well as title documents for real estate - a certificate of ownership, a certificate of inheritance, a gift contract, a sales contract.

The preliminary contract is concluded in writing and may be notarized upon agreement of the parties. Notarization of the preliminary contract ensures its legal weight and protects the interests of both the seller and the buyer. This adds additional responsibility and trust between the parties in the transaction process.

When concluding and notarizing the preliminary contract, it will also be necessary to pay 1% state duty and notary services.

09.05.2024 09:43


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