How to get a deferment for a teacher?

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07.05.2024 18:04 582


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

In order to exercise the right to deferment, a conscript must prepare an application for deferment and submit it directly to the district TCC and SP with documents confirming the right to deferment from mobilization. These documents are:

  1. certificate from the place of work issued by the educational institution. The certificate is submitted to the TCC and JV only in the original. The certificate must state that the person works for 0.75 rate (or full rate) and in what position he works;

  2. a copy of the hiring order (certified by the director of the educational institution);

  3. a copy of the employment book (certified by the director of the educational institution).

15.05.2024 12:25


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