What is the copyright registration procedure?

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07.05.2024 18:04 580


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

State registration of copyright and contracts relating to the author's right to a work is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for state registration of copyright and contracts relating to property rights to a work, approved by Order No. 11319 of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine dated August 16, 2023, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 9 of October under No. 1760/40816.

List of documents required for state registration of copyright to a work:

  • the application, which is made according to the form given in Appendix 1 to the Procedure, filled in in Ukrainian;

  • a copy of the work in the formats specified in subsection 2.2. paragraph 2 of section II of the Procedure;

  • a document testifying to the fact and date of publication of the work (if available);

  • fee payment document;

  • a document confirming the authority of the representative (if the application is submitted with the participation of the applicant's representative);

  • other documents: certificate of the right to inheritance - if the application is submitted by the heir; documents confirming the creation of an official work in connection with the employee's performance of duties under an employment contract (contract) and the ownership of property rights to such a work: an official assignment to create a work, an act or a report on the work performed; an agreement on the distribution of property rights to an official work; an employment contract (contract) in terms of conditions for the distribution of property rights to an official work; a certificate confirming the employment relationship during the assignment and creation of the work - if the application is submitted by the employer; documents certifying the transfer and ownership of such rights - if the application is submitted by the customer.

Applications for state registration are submitted to UKRNOIVI by the applicant or his authorized person:

  • in paper form: by means of postal communication at the address UKRNOIVI - 01601, str. Dmytra Godzenka, 1, Kyiv; through the mailbox directly at the address UKRNOIVI - st. Dmytra Godzenka, 1 (Glazunova St., 1), Kyiv.

  • in electronic form: through the system of electronic interaction of the examination institution (SEV ZES), in the presence of a qualified electronic signature.

15.05.2024 12:29


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