What is required for a man to recognize paternity?

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06.05.2024 13:49 518


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan
  1. The origin of a child from the father is determined by the application of a woman and a man who are not married to each other. Such an application can be submitted both before and after the birth of a child to the state civil status registration body. As a general rule, the application must be submitted in person, which provides an opportunity to verify the voluntary expression of will of individuals.

  2. In accordance with Art. 128 of the Family Code of Ukraine in the absence of an application, the right to submit which is established by Art. 126 of the Family Code of Ukraine, the paternity of a child can be recognized by a court decision in the procedure of civil proceedings. The basis for recognition of paternity is any information certifying the origin of the child from a certain person, collected in accordance with the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine. A claim for recognition of paternity can be brought by a person who considers himself the father of a child. A claim for recognition of paternity is accepted by the court, if the entry about the child's father in the Birth Registration Book is made in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 135 of the Family Code of Ukraine.

  3. In accordance with Clause 3 Part 2 of Art. 125 of the Family Code of Ukraine, if the mother and father of the child are not married to each other, the origin of the child from the father is determined, in particular, by a court decision.

06.05.2024 14:32


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