Has the law on the mobilization of women been adopted?

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23.04.2024 19:30 298


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

On April 11, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the general law on mobilization. He lowers the conscription age, introduces electronic accounts of conscripts and introduces basic military training instead of conscription. In addition, the law deals with the conditions of conscription of women.

Ukrainian women can be called up to serve in the army only with their voluntary consent.

However, all women who have obtained a medical or pharmaceutical specialty must register for military service. They include female doctors aged 18 to 60, who will be determined to be fit for service based on their health status. At the same time, military registration does not mean mandatory mobilization of women.

According to the law on mobilization, women who are on the military register can be called up for service during martial law also only at their own will.

24.04.2024 12:31


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