What permission documents are needed to create an agrarian business?

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03.05.2023 15:39 707


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The first stage at the beginning of the creation of an agrarian business is the registration of the necessary documents, which the future owner, his authorized body or a person acting on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the future owner of the enterprise, submits to the state registration body in person or by mail (registered letter).

For state registration of an agricultural enterprise, you should submit:

  1. Necessary founding documents (notarized) depending on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise:

  2. the decision of the property owner or the body authorized by him to create a legal entity (except for a private enterprise); if there are two or more owners, such a decision is the founding agreement, and in some cases, the minutes of the founding meetings;

  3. the charter, if according to the legislation it is necessary to create the appropriate organizational and legal form of the enterprise (for example, a joint-stock company, a limited liability company);

  4. a registration card of the established model, which is simultaneously an application for state registration; the card received at the place of registration is filled in directly by the owner or the authorized applicant (staff of the registration authority must provide assistance in filling it in);

  5. a payment document certifying the payment of the state duty for state registration (for enterprises, its amount is seven tax-free minimum incomes of citizens);

  6. a certificate from a banking institution about the payment by the owner(s) of the contribution to the company’s statutory fund in the amount prescribed by law (for example, for the registration of a limited liability company, each of its founders must submit a document stating that he has contributed 30% of his share in the statutory fund, if the latter is formed at the expense of cash contributions; if contributions to the company's statutory fund are made in the form of property, the specified document is not required).

The location of the enterprise at the time of state registration should be indicated in the registration card (application for state registration). It can be the location (place of residence) of one of the founders or the location at another address, which is confirmed by a contract of lease, purchase and sale of premises or its part, a mine, free use of property, a contract on joint activities, a founding contract, etc. If the founder of the newly created enterprise is a legal entity, it is necessary to confirm its state registration with an appropriate certificate.

All these documents are submitted in triplicate (two originals and a notarized copy). The owner(s) or the body authorized by him, which submits the documents for state registration, is responsible for compliance of the constituent documents with the legislation. If these documents are available, the registration body is obliged to register the enterprise within five working days after their receipt and issue a document certifying the act of state registration of the enterprise — a certificate of registration of the established model.

04.05.2023 13:36


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