How to confirm registration in the occupied territory?

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16.04.2024 16:24 284


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

It will be possible to enter information about the registered or declared place of residence in the temporarily occupied territory, as well as in the territory where hostilities are (were) taking place when issuing or exchanging identity documents and confirming Ukrainian citizenship, or identity documents and confirm its special status.

Entering information about the registered or declared place of residence should not be equated with the registration of the place of residence. According to the Resolution of the CMU "Some issues of declaration and registration of the place of residence and maintenance of registers of territorial communities" No. 265 of February 7, 2022, registration or declaration of the place of residence is carried out exclusively by the registration body, on the territory of the territorial community, over which the powers of the relevant council extend. However, there is no such body in the temporarily occupied territories, as local authorities and local self-government bodies do not exercise their powers there. Therefore, it is impossible to register a place of residence in the occupied territories.

18.04.2024 20:23


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