How to take care of a disabled relative at home?

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16.04.2024 16:01 282


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The first thing you need to know before registering guardianship is that the person you want to take guardianship over must be in the status of people deprived of guardianship or guardianship.

Guardianship over adults in Ukraine is established exclusively over persons who are recognized as incompetent.

Guardianship, in contrast to permanent care, is established exclusively by the court in a separate proceeding.

If there are grounds, i.e. persistent mental illness, a close relative of such a person can submit an application to the court to declare the person incapable, establish guardianship and appoint a relative as a guardian.

The content of the statement is simple, it should contain only circumstances that indicate a persistent and chronic disorder. However, it is better to entrust the drafting of the text of the application and the formation of applications to an experienced specialist in order to avoid possible mistakes.

Already in court, a forensic psychiatric examination must be ordered in order for the expert to confirm or deny the existence of a mental disorder resulting in the inability to understand or control one's actions.

In addition, in order for the court to appoint a relative as the guardian of an incapacitated person, it is necessary to receive a submission from the body of guardianship and care about the possibility of appointing a relative as a guardian.

Only from the moment the court decision enters into force, the person is considered incapacitated, and his relative is considered his guardian.

17.04.2024 10:44


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