How to register in a country house?

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16.04.2024 15:34 644


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The legislation of Ukraine establishes that registration of a place of residence in a country house or garden house is possible only after this house is converted into a residential one.

Among the documents submitted together with the application for registration of the place of residence is a document that confirms the right of ownership of housing. There is no mention that together with this document you need to submit a Decision on the transfer of a country house/garden to a residential building.

At the same time, the reason for refusal to register a place of residence is the presence of an object of immovable property, at the address of the house, in which a person declares or registers his place of residence (stay) - which does not belong to the house.

That is, on the basis of the Decision on the transfer - you cannot register a place of residence in a garden/cottage house due to the fact that the Decree on the transfer of summer cottages/garden houses to residential ones does not comply with the Law "On the provision of public (electronic public) services regarding declaration and registration of residence in Ukraine".

This can be done through reconstruction and a mandatory change in the purpose of the land plot.

30.04.2024 14:22


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