How can I file for divorce from abroad?

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16.04.2024 15:31 296


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

It is necessary to write a statement on the dissolution of marriage in the nearest consular institution of Ukraine. A sample application is provided on the spot. You must have passports, identification codes and the original marriage certificate with you.

Ukrainians who do not have minor children and whose wife is not pregnant at the time of submitting the application can use this method. For this, they need to have passports, identification codes and original marriage certificates.

But when the spouses have children, or someone - husband or wife - opposes the divorce, it will be necessary to act in court on the territory of Ukraine. Therefore, those who are abroad will have to return to the Motherland or find a lawyer who will file a lawsuit and defend their interests in court.

18.04.2024 12:05


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