Can I leave Latvia with a certificate?

No details.
16.04.2024 15:22 472


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

You need to have valid travel documents with you, if possible.

However, the absence of travel or medical documents (vaccination certificates, a test for COVID-19) will not be an obstacle to entry into the territory of Latvia for citizens of Ukraine.

Arrival in Latvia through checkpoints (external border, airport):

  • for persons who have biometric passports, border control will be carried out. Persons with other travel documents and without a valid Schengen visa will be issued visas;

  • If a person arrives without travel documents, his identity will be confirmed in cooperation with the competent authorities of Ukraine.

  • When going to Latvia, we encourage you to take any documents that will help identify a person.

18.04.2024 11:03


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