How to get UBD status after dismissal?

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16.04.2024 15:18 320


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

A person who has been discharged from military service must apply to the TCC at the place of registration with the following documents:

  • statement regarding the consideration of the issue of obtaining UBD;

  • consent to the collection and processing of personal data;

  • certified copies of pages of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine;

  • a document on the assignment of an identification number;

  • two 3×4 color matte photos.

The TCC requests the military unit to send documents to the TCC, namely:

  1. a certificate of direct participation in measures to ensure defense, the form of which is approved by the new Appendix 6 to Resolution of the CMU No. 413;

  2. at least one of the following documents: extract (copy) of combat reports; extract (copy) of combat logs (operational tasks, management of operational situation); extract (copy) of logbooks, flight sheets; extract (copy) of materials of special (official) investigations into the facts of injuries, contusions, mutilations, and capture.

17.04.2024 15:40


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