What basic rights does a Ukrainian have?

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11.04.2024 18:42 298


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Chapter II of the Constitution of Ukraine enshrines the rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen. According to Art. 22 of this section, the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, established by this Constitution, are not exhaustive.

The Constitution of Ukraine defines the following groups of basic rights: civil, political, economic, social, environmental, cultural, family.

Civil rights are people's capabilities that characterize their physical and biological existence, satisfaction of material, spiritual and some other needs. This includes the following subjective rights: to life; on the inviolability of the person, housing, on the secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, telegraphic and other correspondence; to choose a place of residence, freedom of movement, to freely leave the territory of Ukraine and return to Ukraine at any time; on the freedom of one's own thought and speech, on the free expression of one's views and beliefs; freely collect, store, use and disseminate information orally, in writing and in any other way of your choice; on freedom of worldview, religion, etc.

Political rights — the ability of a person and a citizen to participate in public and state life, to make proposals to improve the work of state bodies, their officials and citizen associations, to criticize defects in work, to directly participate in various citizen associations .

Economic rights are human and citizen capabilities that characterize their participation in the production of material goods.

Social rights — human and citizen opportunities to ensure proper social living conditions.

Environmental rights — human and citizen rights to a safe ecological environment. That is, it is the right to an environment safe for life and health; for compensation for damage caused by violation of this right, etc.

Cultural rights are the possibilities of a person's access to the spiritual values of his people (nation) and all of humanity.

Family rights — the ability of a person and a citizen to freely dispose of themselves in family legal relations.

15.04.2024 10:47


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