How to register an agricultural enterprise and get a land plot?

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03.05.2023 15:23 431


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

State registration of agricultural enterprises is a certification of the fact of creation or termination of this enterprise, as well as the performance of other registration actions provided for by law, by making relevant entries in the Unified State Register.

To carry out state registration of a farm, the founder or a person authorized by him must personally submit the following documents to the state registrar:

  • a document confirming ownership or the right to use a land plot;

  • a completed registration card for state registration of a legal entity;

  • a copy of the original (photocopy, notarized copy) of the decision of the founders or the body authorized by them to create a legal entity in cases provided for by law;

  • two copies of founding documents (in case of submission of electronic documents – one copy).

According to Art. 121 of the Land Code of Ukraine, citizens of Ukraine have the right to free transfer of land plots from state or communal property for farming in the amount of the land share (share) determined for members of agricultural enterprises located on the territory of the village, settlement, city council where the farming.

If several agricultural enterprises are located on the territory of a village, settlement, or city council, the size of the land share (share) is determined as the average for these enterprises. In the absence of agricultural enterprises on the territory of the relevant council, the share size is determined as the average for the district.

According to Art. 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On Farming", in order to obtain (acquire) ownership or lease of a land plot of state or communal property for the purpose of farming, citizens apply to the relevant executive authorities, the powers of which are established by Art. 122 of the Land Code of Ukraine.

The statement states:

  • the desired size and location of the plot,

  • the number of members of the farm and whether they have the right to obtain free ownership of land plots,

  • justification of the size of the land plot taking into account the prospects of the farm.

29.05.2023 19:01


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