How can I compensate for damages caused by oblenergo employees?

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11.04.2024 18:17 290


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

If, in your opinion, the reason for the failure of the electrical appliance is low or high voltage in the network when the electricity is turned on, you should contact the operator of the electricity distribution system. After the reform in the energy system, that's what the familiar Oblenergo was called.

It is necessary to apply with a written complaint, in which to indicate all known circumstances (date, month, time) of the event that occurred. Also, in the complaint, you must indicate which property failed and the amount of the damage. The complaint must be sent by mail with acknowledgment of receipt, or by filling out the appropriate form on the company's website. When making a statement, keep in mind that the amount of the specified damages must be justified, i.e. a necessary condition is the presence of a receipt for the purchase of the goods or a receipt for the cost of repairs, as well as a document confirming the causes of the damages. A service center servicing the appropriate type of product can determine the causes of electrical appliance failure. As an applicant, you must obtain the opinion of such a center yourself, that is, at your own expense.

The term for considering a complaint about compensation for damages is 30 days. The company is obliged to compensate the consumer for damages caused by non-compliance with electricity quality indicators.

However, if DTEK proves that they were caused by force majeure or arose not through its fault, but through the fault of the consumer, such losses will not be compensated. In the response, the consumer is provided with all supporting materials of innocence.

If you are not satisfied with the decision, you as a consumer have the right to apply to the court for compensation for the damage caused.

12.04.2024 12:18


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