Can contract servicemen go on vacation abroad?


If so, what does it take?

07.04.2024 16:59 559


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

According to the Ministry of Defense, the decision on the departure of a serviceman abroad is made on an individual basis.

First of all, a serviceman must write and submit a leave report to the commander of the military unit. In addition, the report should indicate:

  • departure and return dates,

  • city and residence address,

  • the type of transport and the checkpoint that will be used to leave Ukraine.

Together with the report, the serviceman must submit documents that will confirm the purpose of the trip. Such documents are marriage and birth certificates, as well as certificates of temporary protection of family members staying abroad. That is, a legal reason for leaving is a meeting with a family that has temporarily left Ukraine.

On the basis of the submitted documents, the commander of the military unit must make a decision regarding permission for the serviceman to leave. If such a leave is approved, the commanding officer must issue an order granting the right to leave. In addition, permission to leave must be indicated in the leave ticket.

08.04.2024 11:20

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