What rights do persons with disabilities have during martial law?

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19.03.2024 14:20 301


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The basic rights of persons with disabilities remain unchanged even during martial law. People with disabilities have the right to:

  1. Social and household and medical support (cash payments, free purchase of medicines, out-of-hours service);

  2. Preferential travel (Persons with disabilities of group I and II, a child with disabilities and persons accompanying persons with disabilities of group I or a child with disabilities (no more than one person accompanying a person with disabilities of group I or a child with disabilities) have the right to free travel in passenger city transport (except for taxis).);

  3. Benefits when paying for housing and communal services;

In the conditions of martial law, people with disabilities of the first group and children with disabilities are allowed to pass at the borders out of sequence. At checkpoints across the state border of Ukraine for road traffic, priority is given to the specified persons if they cross the border on foot or in a passenger car in which there are no other persons.

The legislation provides additional guarantees for persons with disabilities:

  • for employees who have lost their ability to work due to an accident at work or an occupational disease, they keep their place of work/position and average salary for the entire period until the restoration of their ability to work;

  • at the request of the employee or according to the requirements of his individual rehabilitation program, he can be set to work under the conditions of a part-time working day/week and preferential working conditions.

If the employee is unable to perform the previous work, the employer is obliged to organize his training, retraining and employment in accordance with the recommendations of the MSEK.

19.03.2024 20:09


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