What happens to the share of benefits of cash support when refusing ...?


... of a family member of a military serviceman who has the right to receive it?

If the father of the deceased serviceman wrote a refusal to pay the financial support, how are the payments further distributed?

04.04.2023 15:20 491


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

Good day.

Parents, one of the spouses who has not remarried, children who have not reached the age of majority, dependents of the deceased (deceased) have the right to receive a one-time financial aid.

The families of the deceased persons are paid a one-time financial aid in the amount of 15,000,000 hryvnias, which is distributed in equal shares to all recipients. Initially, 1/5 of the assigned amount is paid - 3,000,000 hryvnias, and then 4/5 monthly, in installments over the next 40 months of 300,000 hryvnias each month.

In case of refusal of one or more persons to receive the payment of monetary security or if the specified persons have not implemented it within three years from the date of their emergence of such right, their shares are distributed among other persons who have the right to this payment.

This refusal must be notarized.

24.04.2023 12:57


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