How to avoid paying alimony?

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28.02.2024 18:24 613


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The most common and simple way to avoid paying alimony in Ukraine is if minors get married. According to the provisions of Ukrainian legislation, if a person has not reached the age of majority, but under special circumstances has decided to marry (which is allowed from the age of 16), then he acquires civil legal capacity.

Another effective and legal way of not paying alimony monthly for several years is the transfer of property rights (Article 190 of the Civil Code). That is, the parent who would have to pay monthly maintenance funds until the son's/daughter's 18th birthday (or even until their 23rd birthday, if they continue their studies) can transfer an apartment, house/part of a house, land plot, etc.).

The legal way of not paying alimony in Ukraine is the fact that the child ceases to need financial assistance. For example, he continues to study and at the same time works, receiving an income that is much higher than the income of each of his parents.

28.02.2024 19:06


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