Please tell me what to do in such a situation, the point is that ...?


... a year and a half ago, I took a microloan, and did not have time to fully repay it because I went abroad. All this time, no one bothered me about this and I already forgot about him. But a couple of days ago, a letter came to my brother's address, from the criminal investigation service in my name. Of course, he didn't take it. I have the following question: Can the authorities of the Criminal Enforcement Inspectorate seize my real estate without my knowledge?

27.04.2023 15:49 596


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

NO, this is not within the competence of the criminal enforcement service

The State Criminal Enforcement Service of Ukraine is a law enforcement body entrusted with the task of implementing state policy in the field of execution of criminal punishments.

Seizure of your real estate, in connection with the existing arrears for the payment of a microcredit, in accordance with clause 6, part 3, article 18 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings", had the right to impose a state (or private) executor.

In order for the seizure of real estate to be removed, it is necessary to pay the existing debt (according to the executive document) to the enforcement service.

14.06.2023 12:12


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