In what cases can a closed court session be held?

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23.02.2024 11:51 376


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

A closed court session is a court session in which, according to the court's decision, the consideration of a civil or criminal case takes place with the participation of all participants in the court proceedings with the observance of the rules of judicial proceedings provided for by the procedural law, but in the absence of the public. The whole case can be considered in such a mode, when, for example, the issue of national security is taken into account. A judge may order a closed court session during open court proceedings, for example, to protect trade secrets or if one party is requesting documents that are not desirable to be disclosed in open court.

A closed hearing can be conducted at the request of, for example, a lawyer in the case or by order of the court.

23.02.2024 12:43


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