What information can military personnel not share on the Internet?

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23.02.2024 11:32 359


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Military personnel are prohibited from sharing, and media are prohibited from disclosing, information that comes to the media's knowledge while working in combat areas, with the following information or content:

  • Actual names of military units, units.

  • Personal data of servicemen performing combat (special) tasks.

  • Any coordinates of locations of military personnel.

  • Numerical and combat composition of military units (units).

  • Number, type of combat, as well as movement (advancement), routes of movement of equipment.

  • Places, areas of concentration, deployment and restoration of combat capability of military units (subunits) of the Armed Forces, with reference to populated areas (geographical objects).

  • Current and future plans (plans) of commands (commanders), combat tasks and the course of their implementation.

  • Effectiveness and experience in the use by military units (units) of means of destruction, test equipment, methods of conducting combat operations.

  • The location of the air defense starting positions and the results of their combat missions.

  • Results of operations and conduct of combat operations by military units (units), SSO units and intelligence units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, if such information was not disseminated by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or other components of the defense forces.

  • Losses of combat (special) equipment and personnel, if such information was not disseminated by the General Staff of the Armed Forces or other components of the defense forces.

  • The results of enemy missile and air strikes on military objects (targets), critical infrastructure objects, if such information was not disseminated by the General Staff of the Armed Forces or other components of the defense forces.

  • Carrying out security measures for the use of troops (forces) (information on measures to mislead, conceal the activities of troops (forces) and military facilities), forces and means that were involved in their implementation, as well as captured photo and video materials with images models and means of imitation used by military units (units) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other components of the defense forces of Ukraine.

  • Conducted informational and psychological operations (actions, influence measures), as well as those that are being conducted and planned.

  • Information on military personnel of reconnaissance, missile, artillery units, electronic warfare units, unmanned aerial vehicle units, flight and engineering-technical staff of airplanes and helicopters, as well as Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

  • Photo and video materials depicting mutual recognition signs, license plates and state license plates on combat (special) vehicles, means of targeting, combat control and intelligence, structural features of combat (special) vehicles.

  • Photo and video materials inside tanks, self-propelled artillery installations, anti-aircraft missile systems, armored combat vehicles and tactical aviation aircraft, especially of foreign production.

  • Delivery terms, types, quantity, material and technical support, actual and future places of concentration (storage) of weapons and military equipment, which are provided within the limits of material and technical assistance from partner countries, especially missiles, ammunition, means of aviation destruction, if any the information was not posted on the official pages (representatives) of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Armed Forces or by the departments of partner countries.

  • Information on awareness of the enemy, tactics of his actions, places (areas) of concentration (location) of important military objects.

23.02.2024 13:02


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