What are SZRs and what do they do?

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21.02.2024 17:58 323


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine is a state body that carries out intelligence activities in the political, economic, military-technical, scientific-technical, information and environmental spheres.

The SZR of Ukraine is entrusted with the following main tasks:

  • Obtaining, analytical processing and provision of intelligence information specified by the legislation of Ukraine to the heads of higher state authorities;

  • Promotion of the implementation of the state policy of Ukraine in the economic, political, military-technical, ecological and informational spheres, strengthening of the defense capability, economic and scientific and technical development of the country by means of special measures;

  • Participation in ensuring the safe functioning of Ukrainian institutions abroad, the safety of employees of these institutions and their family members in the host country, as well as Ukrainian citizens posted abroad who are aware of information that constitutes a state secret;

  • Participation in the fight against international organized crime, terrorism, illegal drug trafficking, illegal trade in weapons and their manufacturing technology, illegal migration.

22.02.2024 17:28


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