Where can I register a Zaufana profile?


Where can I register a Zaufana profile?

19.02.2024 13:54 760


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Good evening. First of all, for this you need to have a PESEL number, which can be obtained from the city council (local council). The next step is profile registration. To create a trusted profile, you need to go to the website https://pz.gov.pl/pz/index and fill out a special questionnaire by clicking the "Register" button. After all the steps have been completed, a confirmation of application acceptance and a reminder of the need to confirm your identity within 14 days will be sent to the specified e-mail.

This can be done in municipal institutions of the city, for example: the city uzhond (local council), departments of ZUS or NFZ, etc. To confirm your identity, you must present your passport and PESEL number. After identity verification, the trust profile will be activated.

You can also register a trust profile through the bank. Customers of Alior Bank, ING Bank Śląski, BNP Paribas, Inteligo, mBank, Millenium, Pekao, Getin Bank, PKO BP, Santander, BOŚ Bank, Credit Agricole can create a trusted profile without leaving home. To do this, you must select the item "bank or other providers of identification data" during registration. After registration, the trusted profile is ready. Please note that the trusted profile is valid for 3 years. After that, it should be continued.

19.02.2024 17:17


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