Father died abroad and was buried there. Death certificate not yet ...?


... transferred (and when it will be unknown, maybe a couple of weeks, maybe a month), there is no passport here in Ukraine.

It is necessary to formalize the termination of the pension, funeral assistance, inheritance, etc. What are my actions? Where to turn first? When should I notify and which state bodies?

26.04.2023 18:15 837


Photo of 30.09.tana2002 Tatіana Mazur

To begin with, you need to notify the RATSS authorities about the death. After all, according to the Family Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On Bodies of Registration of Civil Status Acts", death is subject to state registration in the bodies of registration of civil status acts at the last place of residence of the deceased, at the place of death or at the place of burial.

The declaration of death must be made no later than three days from the date of death or discovery of the corpse, and in case of impossibility of obtaining a certificate from a medical institution or a conclusion of a forensic medical examination or a prosecutor - no later than five days. But it is not a problem, if for good reasons you did not meet these deadlines, the main thing is to file before the expiration of one year after death.

In order to notify the authorities of the RACS, you need:

  • present your passport or passport document. But the absence of the specified document is not a reason to refuse to register a death;

  • confirm the fact of death - with a medical certificate or paramedic death certificate issued by a medical institution.

If the deceased had a passport or a passport document, as well as military registration and preferential documents, the civil status registration body that registers the death, withdraws them and makes a note of the owner's death in these documents. But the absence of these documents does not prevent the registration of death.

After recording, the civil status registration authority issues the applicant a death certificate and a certificate for receiving burial assistance.

In addition, civil status registration authorities send information about children who died under the age of 16 to the internal affairs authorities, as well as submit information about deceased citizens to state tax inspectorates and the bodies of the Pension Fund of Ukraine.

Passports, passport documents, as well as military registration documents and preferential certificates of deceased persons are transferred according to the list to the internal affairs bodies and military commissariats at the place of registration of death. If the specified documents were not submitted when the death was registered, the internal affairs bodies and military commissariats are notified accordingly.

Regarding funeral assistance

To receive funeral assistance, you must contact any service center of the Pension Fund of Ukraine with:

  • a document certifying the identity of the applicant;

  • an application for the payment of burial allowance;

  • death certificate;

  • an extract from the State Register of civil status acts of citizens on death to receive burial benefits or a pensioner's death certificate (in case of death registration outside of Ukraine, a death certificate or other document confirming the fact of death issued by a competent body of a foreign state is submitted).

Regarding registration of inheritance

The right to inherit arises from the heirs on the day of the person's death or on the day from which he is declared dead by a court decision.

As a general rule, a notary initiates an inheritance case at the place of last residence of the deceased. In the event that such information is not available, the place of opening of the inheritance is the location of the immovable property or its main part, and in the absence of immovable property - the location of the main part of the movable property.

In accordance with the Procedure for Notarial Acts by Notaries of Ukraine, in order to initiate an inheritance case, the heir must submit/send to the notary an application for acceptance of the inheritance.

According to the Resolution of the CMU, the deadline for accepting an inheritance remains unchanged and is six months from the date of a person's death. At the same time, during the period of martial law, the deadline for accepting an inheritance or refusing to accept it is suspended. The certificate of the right to inheritance is issued to the heirs only after the end of this term (taking into account the time for which the term was suspended).

24.06.2023 13:40


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