Paying for work in harmful conditions


Does the employer have the right to cancel payment for harmful working conditions if this work is performed on a day off?

19.01.2024 10:03 686


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Employees employed in jobs with difficult and harmful working conditions are provided free of charge with medical and preventive nutrition, milk or equivalent food products, carbonated salt water, have the right to paid breaks for sanitary and health purposes, reduction of the duration of working hours, additional paid vacation, preferential pension , increased wages and other benefits and compensations provided in accordance with the law.

The employer can, at his own expense, additionally establish benefits and compensations for the employee that are not provided for by law under the collective agreement (agreement, employment contract).

During the term of the employment contract concluded with the employee, the employer must, no later than 2 months, inform the employee in writing about changes in production conditions and the amount of benefits and compensations, taking into account those provided to him additionally.

19.01.2024 10:03


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