I have a loan in Ukraine, now I am abroad, every month I pay ...?


... a loan of 1,000 gr., I have to pay 3,500 hryvnias - now I can't afford to pay such an amount. The bank transferred my documents to the Collection Company. They do not threaten me, they called me once and said that they are suing me. Every month they receive a message that they are working on getting me to return the loan - the entire amount. Now, something must have happened to another bank, where I receive my son's disability pension, because I had a credit card in this bank, the limit was blocked on this card - there was no debt on this card....in principle, I and I am glad that I will not have access to other credit cards....But what should I do with this bank, where there is debt? Do they really have the right to sue me, despite the fact that I pay UAH 1,000 every month?

How can I protect myself so that the bank does not increase the amount of the loan and that I am not sued?

25.04.2023 16:33 460


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

To provide an accurate and detailed answer, please send me the loan agreement.

However, in general, I can report the following.

Confidential information about a natural person includes:

  • nationality;

  • education;

  • marital status;

  • religious beliefs;

  • health status;

  • address, date and place of birth.

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine considered confidential information about a natural person, in addition to the above, also information about his property status and other personal data (decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated October 30, 1997 No. 5-zp).

Therefore, the information that an individual provides to the bank is confidential. Confidential information may be disseminated at the request (consent) of the relevant person in the manner determined by it in accordance with the conditions stipulated by it, as well as in other cases determined by law (part 2 of Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On Information").

In connection with the above, you can appeal such actions of the bank to the court.

Collectors do not have the right to forcefully collect debts, but they have the right to apply to the court for the purpose of collecting the debt assigned to them and, in the case of a positive court decision, to apply to the executive service for debt collection.

Provided all the necessary documents are provided, the debtor has the opportunity to independently apply to the court regarding the terms of the contract. In particular, he may require a detailed statement and justification of the debt. Since collectors usually do not have adequate evidence, it will be difficult for them to prove their case. In addition, you can build your legal position on the fact that this contract is inextricably linked to the persons who concluded it, and, accordingly, the transfer of debts according to this contract was impossible.

13.06.2023 22:30


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