Are there any benefits for children whose mother married a vi...


Do children whose mother married a military man have any benefits?

17.01.2024 04:01 436


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Social and Legal Protection of Servicemen and Members of Their Families", children of combatants are provided with the following assistance:

  • In case of capture, internment or release of servicemen, recognition of them as missing or deceased in accordance with the procedure established by law. Appropriate assistance is paid to adult children who live with their parents or other legal representatives of military personnel. The payment is made until the day the serviceman is removed from the personnel lists of the military unit.

  • The right to sanatorium-resort treatment and rest in sanatoriums once a year. This right extends to wives, husbands, parents, minor children and children with disabilities since childhood, regardless of age.

  • In addition, children of military personnel are given preference for places in state educational institutions and children's health camps based on their place of residence, regardless of the form of ownership. This means that such children have an advantage when entering educational institutions and participating in children's camps, which allows them to gain access to quality education and health.

  • Adult children of military personnel who live with their parents or other legal representatives have the right to a pension in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On pension provision for persons released from military service and certain other persons" in the event of the death of a military personnel, conscript or reservist. This pension is intended as compensation for the loss of a breadwinner and family support in difficult circumstances.

17.01.2024 09:28


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