I plan to buy a house in the village, I am married to a foreigner ...?


... (he has a temporary residence permit in Ukraine).

Today, the seller received information from the notary that I do not have the right to buy the agricultural land of destination because I am married to a foreigner. I am a citizen of Ukraine, I have not found such an interpretation anywhere in the laws. The only thing is that a foreigner cannot buy agricultural land.

25.04.2023 16:13 429


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

As you know, foreigners cannot buy agricultural land in Ukraine.

Ukrainian women and men who are married to foreign citizens will not have such an opportunity either.

The way out in such a situation may be the conclusion of a marriage contract, which provides for the personal status of land plots that will be acquired during a registered marriage.

25.04.2023 20:16


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