Can the actual place of residence of IDPs be checked?

No details.
07.01.2024 23:06 454


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

So. The inspection can be carried out on the following grounds:

  • information on registration of persons as internally displaced persons within one territorial community;

  • receiving a notification from state authorities, local governments, enterprises, institutions, public associations or individuals about a change in the actual place of stay of the IDP;

  • verification results in accordance with the criteria for awarding the specified aid.

At the same time, IDPs must be notified of the inspection in advance - two days before it is carried out. If, at the time of its implementation, the IDP citizen is not identified by his actual place of residence, he will be given 14 days, during which he will have to contact the social protection authorities.

If there are confirmed reasons for absence from the place, then within 30 days, such a citizen must submit documents to the social security authority, which will contain the relevant confirmation. If this is not done, the accrual of cash assistance for the residence of IDPs will be temporarily suspended.

07.01.2024 23:07


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